- Added the `NotEqualsAttribute`, `IsInAttribute`, `IsNotInAttribute`, `AllInAttribute`, `AllNotInAttribute`, `AnyInAttribute` and `AnyNotInAttribute` conditions to policy language.
- Added `MemoryStorage` backend. - Added `RedisStorage` backend. - Added `FileStorage` backend. - Fixed typos in documentation. - Removed all import statements from `py_abac/storage/__init__.py`.
- Fixed import dependency error for storage. Updated import statements from `py_abac/storage/__init__.py`. Thanks [dylanmcreynolds](https://github.com/dylanmcreynolds) for PR.
- Added Sphinx documentation. - Code quality checks performed. - Security checks added. - Added SQL storage. - Refactored `Request` class name to `AccessRequest`. The name `Request` still supported for backward compatibility.
- Complete re-factor with better design. Derived from XACML and Vakt - Powerful support for policy conditions on nested attributes. - MongoDB policy storage with efficient lookup based on target IDs. - Supports creation of custom policy storage. - Supports creation of custom PIP. - JSON based policy language.
- Basic policy definition. Nested attribute not supported. - Poor policy lookup performance in storage for large number of policies.