------ * BUGFIX: removed unneeded :code:`print` statement which raised :code:`KeyError` on a missing :code:`mail` attribute
------ * Autogenerate Email for LDAP Users without an :code:`mail` attribute
------ * Token to User Relation is a 1 to 1 relation and not 1 to n. * Workflows got some fixes * Changed alot of logging.info to logging.debug for clarity
------ * Removed Typehint which is not supported by python3.9 * added Test for the LDAP group sync with non existing groups * Fixed a bug where non existing groups caused problems for LDAP Login the first time
------- * Alot of type hint cleanup * fixed a bug where non existing groups in active directory sync interfiered with login. * missing groups now get created and saved! * updated tests for more moden pytest versions
------- * Removed :code:`LoginHandler.LoginKerberos` because it's not needed * documentation: * switched theme to ``pydata`` * added :code:`Exceptions` submodule documentation * Code: * switched to absolute imports instead of relative imports