- Align to [*bip_utils* v2.0.0](https://github.com/ebellocchia/bip_utils/releases/tag/v2.0.0), adding all the new supported coins
- Add possibility to construct wallets from private key bytes
- Add possibility to generate wallets for Substrate and Monero
- **Breaking changes**:
- All the old classes (except for `HdWalletSaver`) and enums starting with `HdWallet` are renamed to `HdWalletBip` to distinguish them from Substrate and Monero wallets (e.g. `HdWalletFactory` -> `HdWalletBipFactory`, `HdWallet` -> `HdWalletBip`)
- Like *bip_utils*, `Bip49` and `Bip84` now have their own coin types: `HdWalletBip49Coins` and `HdWalletBip84Coins`
- There is no need anymore to pass the specification as argument to the factory, since it will be got directly from the enum type (e.g. `HdWalletFactory(HdWalletCoins.LITECOIN, HdWalletSpecs.BIP49)` -> `HdWalletFactory(HdWalletBip49Coins.LITECOIN)`)