- Fixed issues 46 & 47. - Added new method `get_metadata` which gets info from the `/metadata` endpoint in the RAPI. - Added new method `order_json` which will send a raw JSON request to the RAPI. - When ordering, some of the print statements have changed to include Order Id and Order Item Id.
- Added download capability for SAR Toolbox orders.
- Fixed error regarding the `rapi_requests._rapi_url` variable.
- Removed batch searching of 1000 records (default `maxResults` now the same as the RAPI: 20 records). - Added `first_result` to `search` method so user can still get all results using pagination (same functionality as [firstResult](../../wiki/Directly-Accessing-the-EODMS-REST-APIget-firstresult) in RAPI). - Fixed `PREVIEW_AVAILABLE` filter for NAPL images. - Streamlined parsing the filters for search requests (`EODMSRAPI._create_expr()`).
- Added method _submit_search_query to eodms.py - Added method get_rapi_metadata to eodms.py which sends a request to https://www.eodms-sgdot.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca/wes/rapi/metadata - Modified to allow access to RAPI without EODMS credentials
- Fixed issue with _check_auth in rapi_requests.py