This is a large overhaul and refactor of some of the core testing and API functionality to make future development, maintenance, and testing easier. Notable highlights include:
- tighter integration with `torch` data loaders
- dropping `opencv` as a dependency
- experimental support for macOS m1 GPUs
- passing keyword arguments to underlying `torch` models for more control
`Detector` Changes
- you can now pass keyword arguments directly to the underlying pytorch/sklearn models on `Detector` initialization using dictionaries. For example you can do: `detector = Detector(facepose_model_kwargs={'keep_top_k': 500})` to initialize `img2pose` to only use 500 instead of 750 features
- all `.detect_*` methods can also pass keyword arguments to the underlying pytorch/sklearn models, albeit these will be passed to their underlying `__call__` methods
- SVM AU model has been retrained with new HOG feature PCA pipeline
- new XGBoost AU model with new HOG feature PCA pipeline
- `.detect_image` and `.detect_video` now display a `tqdm` progressbar
- new `skip_failed_detections` keyword argument to still generate a `Fex` object when processing multiple images and one or more detections fail
- the new default model for landmark detection was changed from `mobilenet` to `mobilefacenet`.
- the new default model for AU detection was changed to our new `xgb` model which gives continuous valued predictions between 0-1
- remove support for `fer` emotion model
- remove support for `jaanet` AU model
- remove support for `pnp` facepose detector
- drop support for reading and manipulating Affectiva and FACET data
- `.detect_image` will no longer resize images on load as the new default for `output_size=None`. If you want to process images with `batch_size > 1` and images differ in size, then you will be **required** to manually set `output_size` otherwise py-feat will raise a helpful error message
`Fex` Changes
- new `.update_sessions()` method that returns a **copy** of a `Fex` frame with the `.sessions` attribute updated, making it easy to chain operations
- `.predict()` and `.regress()` now support passing attributes to `X` and or `Y` using string names that match the attribute names:
- `'emotions'` use all emotion columns (i.e. `fex.emotions`)
- `'aus'` use all AU columns (i.e. `fex.aus`)
- `'poses'` use all pose columns (i.e. `fex.poses`)
- `'landmarks'` use all landmark columns (i.e. `fex.landmarks`)
- `'faceboxes'` use all facebox columns (i.e. `fex.faceboxes`)
- You can also combine feature groups using a **comma-separated string** e.g. `fex.regress(X='emotions,poses', y='landmarks')`
- `.extract_*` methods now include `std` and `sem`. These are also included in `.extract_summary()`
- All `Fex` attributes have been pluralized as indicated below. For the time-being old attribute access will continue to work but will show a warning. We plan to formally drop support in a few versions
- `.landmark` -> `.landmarks`
- `.facepose` -> `.poses`
- `.input` -> `.inputs`
- `.landmark_x` -> `.landmarks_x`
- `.landmark_y` -> `.landmarks_y`
- `.facebox` -> `.faceboxes`
Development changes
- `` is now more organized using `pytest` classes
- added tests for `img2pose` models
- added more robust testing for the interaction between `batch_size` and `output_size`
General Fixes
- data loading with multiple images of potentially different sizes should be faster and more reliable
- fix bug in `resmasknet` that would give poor predictions when multiple faces were present and particularly small
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