
Latest version: v0.1.0

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Removed Warnings

This release addresses a few minor (but irritating) warnings 134 140

📦 CMake Scripts

Special thanks to sweco-nlahoo 🤗 for helping correct the installed config file location and providing consumers to override the default locations with `JWT_CMAKE_FILES_INSTALL_DIR`.

**Full Changelog**:


⚠️ API breaks:

- `decode_jwt` now requires a template argument for traits
- `builder` now requires a template argument for traits
- `builder.set_audience()` takes `array_type` (previously was a set)
- replace `std::vector<std::string>{"*"}` with `std::vector<picojson::value>{ picojson::value("*") }`

Generic `basic_claim`

Depending on your application needs you might choose one JSON library over another, there's a lot of great choices.

To freely choose whichever is best for your application define your own traits.

jwt::basic_claim<my_favorite_json_library_traits> claim(json::object({{"json", true},{"example", 0}}));

If you implement traits support for a library, please 🙏 submit a pull request to let us know!

EdDSA Support

Special thanks to Sp3EdeR for their great work 🏆

With the additional algorithms, you can use the `jwt::create()` and `jwt::verify()` for handling your tokens

auto token = jwt::create().set_issuer("auth0").set_type("JWS").sign(
jwt::algorithm::ed25519("", ed25519_priv_key, "", "")); // New algorithms have been added
// ...
auto decoded = jwt::decode(token);
jwt::algorithm::ed25519(ed25519_pub_key, "", "", "")) // New algorithms have been added

Base64 DER encoded to PEM helper

Round of applause for jbajwa for bringing more JOSE support to the library

When working with OAuth2 and OpenID, it's very common to obtain the public key for verifying tokens from JWK.
If the public key is exposed with the `"x5c"` you can use a helper to convert it to PEM which is consumed by the `jwt::verifier`

auto public_cert = jwt::helper::convert_base64_der_to_pem(x5c_base64_der, ec);
auto verify = jwt::verify().allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::rs256(public_cert, "", "", ""));

LibreSSL Support

Along with other freedom for JSON libraries there may be a motivating factor for your _crypto_ needs, there for we have expanded support to include LibreSSL.

This can be configured through CMake


If you prefer the header only approach, make sure to define `LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER` before including `jwt.h`

include <tls.h>
include "jwt-cpp/jwt.h"

> 📓 If you have both OpenSSL and LibreSSL installed, they may be in conflict which can produce compile or runtime errors


Numerous other contributions were submitted by zxey sdmg15 aboseley mbaykara 👏 Thank you!

**Full Changelog**:


This RC features the introduction of `jwt::basic_claim` which is template around a traits object providing the implementation details for using the JSON library of your choosing. :tada:

For performance sensitive code, among other reasons, there is now the introduction of `std::error_code` support

auto verify = jwt::verify({}).allow_algorithm(jwt::algorithm::hs256{ "secret" });
std::error_code ec;
verify.verify(decoded_token, ec);
if(ec) {
// handle failures

Special thanks to faustocarva matze Sp3EdeR for their contribution helping make this RC possible :heart:

**Full Changelog**:


* Various bugfixes
* Change build system to cmake
* Clean up directory structure
* Add Travis CI script
* Make some internal helpers available to apps
* Clean up noexcept and const correctnes



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