* Fixed UTC related deprecation warnings in Python 3.12+
* Added support for Python 3.12 * Added warning that support for Tornado is deprecated and will be removed in future (it causes more and more hacks/workarounds while Tornado importance is diminishing).
* Expanded docs adding section on how to achieve granular expire/update time control (different settings per entry). * Minor fix for contribution guide (after migration, Travis was still mentioned instead of GitHub Actions).
* Fixed redundant waring if `tornado` is not available to be used (silenced). * Fixed GitHub Actions build (python 3.5 & 3.6 no longer available).
* Fixed declared supported python versions (`classifiers` in `setup.py`).
* Added support for Python 3.10: * Applied workaround for testing setup (`MutableMapping` alias required by `tornado.testing.gen_test`); * Updated `mypy` and `coverage` setup to Python 3.10. * Added support for Python 3.11 (provisional as only alpha releases of 3.11 were tested).