Updates: 1. Added support for latest version of parsimonious. Library now works with Python 3.11.
Features: 1. Added support for Encode ORM models https://github.com/encode/orm 2. Added support for Piccolo ORM models https://piccolo-orm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/piccolo/schema/defining.html
Fixes: 1. Sometimes multiple parents names in "parents" output was joined in one string - fixed.
1. Added base support for Pydal tables definitions 2. Added support for python list syntax like []
1. return tuples (multiple values) is parsed correctly now 2. symbols like `*&^%$!±~`§<>` now does not cause any errors 3. classes without any args does not cause an error anymore
1. Added cli - `pmp` command with args -d, --dump 2. Added support for simple Django ORM models 3. Added base support for pure Python Classes