- **Create project from scaffold** 90
PyMS has a command line option to create a project template like [Microservices Scaffold](https://github.com/python-microservices/microservices-scaffold).
This command use [cookiecutter](https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter) to download and install this [template](https://github.com/python-microservices/microservices-template)
**[Warning]** You must run first `pip install cookiecutter==1.7.0`
pyms startproject
this output a lot of options step by step:
project_repo_url [https://github.com/python-microservices/microservices-scaffold]:
project_name [Python Microservices Boilerplate]: example project
project_folder [example_project]:
project_short_description [Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.]:
create_model_class [y]:
microservice_with_swagger_and_connexion [y]:
microservice_with_traces [y]:
microservice_with_metrics [y]:
application_root [/example_project]:
Select open_source_license:
1 - MIT license
2 - BSD license
3 - ISC license
4 - Apache Software License 2.0
5 - GNU General Public License v3
6 - Not open source
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [1]:
When you finish to introduce the options, a project will be created in `[project_folder]` folder
- **Encrypt/decrypt config** (86)
- New encryption and decryption feature with [AES](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard)
- Create a key to encrypt config with new command line `pyms create-key`
- Encrypt a string with the new command line `pyms encrypt [STRING]`
- Set the key file with new environment variable `KEY_FILE`
- If you set in your config a var with the prefix "ENC_" or "enc_" PyMS search for the key file and decrypt the string. Now you can encrypt your database url for production environments. I.E.:
ENC_DATABASE: gAAAAABeSZ714r99iRIxhoH77vTdRJ0iqSymShfqgGN9PJveqhQWmshRDuV2a8sATey8_lHkln0TwezczucH-aJHGP_LyEiPxwM-88clNa7FB1u4g7Iaw3A=
you can access it in your code with `current_app.config["DATABASE"] == "http://database-url"`
- **Human readable config errors** 85
Show more help information if the config file not have a good structure with error messages like
Config file must start with `pyms` keyword, for example:
metrics: true
data: data
path: ""
file: "swagger.yaml"
client: "jaeger"
host: "localhost"
component_name: "Python Microservice"
DEBUG: true
- **Add service name label by default** 84 - alexppg
It adds a label to all jaeger's generated metrics that can be used to identify every microservice.
See jaegertracing/jaeger-client-python269.
I messed up the previous PR, it's the same as this. https://github.com/python-microservices/pyms/pull/72
- Send `path` to `ConfFile` from `Microservice` class to set path from code if you want to not use `CONFIGMAP_FILE` from env
- Refactor config. Memoize of files moved to new class