
Latest version: v1.3.3

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* Basal and careportal plugins are now enabled by default
* Test if database is in read only mode when Nightscout starts and give an error if read only mode is detected
* The client now checks if the server has loaded the initial data and is ready to server the client before letting user into the main UI
* Google Home and Amazon Alexa fixes for new installations
* Fixed Pushover crashing Nightscout if Pushover servers are returning an internal server error
* Fix swagger for APIv3
* Language updates
* Use the delta plugin data to show the delta in the clock views
* Update Node version checks during startup to refer to Node 10 and 12 & allow any LTS version
* Fix for disabling the BG alarms for simple alarms
* Load battery and other rare events up to two months back
* Unified black and color clock layouts
* Clock views now update data more frequently
* Fix how CSP policy is set for Helmet, fixes 6260
* Authorization fix for misformatted URLs that send auth token multiple times, causing Nightscout to fail
* Added unit test for batch upload of CGM entries
* Improved / removed some logging to reduce Papertrail load


This release fixes batch uploading of device status records and a timing related issue in cache flushing when data was deleted and inserted very quickly in succession


* Fix crash if carb absorption rate is blank
* Fix Pebble API endpoint not recognising mmol
* Improve environment variable parsing so extra white spaces are ignored
* Fix error page, so if there is trouble connecting to Mongo, a human readable error is shown
* Error page layout improvement to make it more friendly
* Fixes a memory leak in caching
* Fixes cache data injection on REST inserts by injecting the _id to inserted object correctly, so data backfills work as expected


* This release improves on the earlier MongoDB caching based on issues reported by users


* Fixes an issue with change to the REST API breaking some reporting
* Backward compatibility fix for treatment queries over the REST API


* Fix recursion crash bug when scrolling the web view
* Workaround for a Loop data bug with insulin boluses
* Add Last-Modified header to service worker to improve caching on some browsers
* Load larger deltas to deal with Loop treatment data updates

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