- Organization: pipx is extremely pleased to now be a project of the Python Packaging Authority (PyPA)! Note that our
github URL has changed to [pypa/pipx](https://github.com/pypa/pipx)
- Fixed `pipx list --json` to return valid json with no venvs installed. Previously would return an empty string to
stdout. (681)
- Changed `pipx ensurepath` bash behavior so that only one of {`~/.profile`, `~/.bash\_profile`} is modified with the
extra pipx paths, not both. Previously, if a `.bash_profile` file was created where one didn't exist, it could cause
problems, e.g. 456. The internal change is to use userpath v1.5.0 or greater. (684)
- Changed default nox tests, Github Workflow tests, and pytest behavior to use local pypi server with fixed lists of
available packages. This allows greater test isolation (no network pypi access needed) and determinism (fixed
available dependencies.) It also allows running the tests offline with some extra preparation beforehand (See
[Running Unit Tests Offline](https://pipx.pypa.io/stable/contributing/#running-unit-tests-offline)). The old style
tests that use the internet to access pypi.org are still available using `nox -s tests_internet` or
`pytest --net-pypiserver tests`. (686)
* Colorama is now only installed on Windows. (691)