* Updated py-selenium-auto-core==0.5.2 * Added method to get xpath for non-supported elements using JS via ElementFactory * Added methods to create elements via ElementFactory * Fixed imports * Added tests for checking Forms, Elements, ElementStateProvider, ElementFactory
* Updated py-selenium-auto-core==0.5.1 * Added pytest-xdist==3.3.1 to run the tests in parallel * Fixed incorrect logic for some objects * Added CoreForm and Form implementations * Added tests for checking Forms, JsActions and Elements
* Updated py-selenium-auto-core==0.5.0 * Added new elements: Element, Button, Link and other * Added ElementFactory * Added JsActions
* Updated py-selenium-auto-core==0.4.4 * Updated BrowserService and ServiceProvider
* Updated setting's format * Updated requirements.txt * Added BrowserNavigation * Code refactoring. Renamed BrowserService to BrowserServices * Added documentations for methods and classes