
Latest version: v0.17.0

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Bug fixes

**Full Changelog**:


Dropping the "beta" designator since I think it's perpetually in beta. :) Also, you may note there was no 0.13 release here. That's because it was all internal python stuff that changed in that version. If for some reason you need to see those versions, they're available on

Mostly under-the-hood fixes. Also added the ability to send a command to the saber directly using `-t "CMD"`

**Full Changelog**:


Mostly bugfixes. Hopefully improved stability with Anima NXTs.

Mac build coming when I remember how to build the installer again... If you need this, please let me know.

**Full Changelog**:


Improve reliability of writing files to Anima NXTs.

Mac binary coming soon.

**Full Changelog**:

Updated with support for writing files to Anima NXTs! This is still very much a work in progress, so please let me know if you have any issues.

Mac executable coming soon, for those who need it.

**Full Changelog**:

Some fixes to wildcard matching in Windows. Also added an exciting new icon!

~For macOS users, I've packaged this as a dmg with a symlink to /usr/local/bin for command line use.~

The dmg installer was a pain, so I've updated to a .pkg installer that should make it an easy one-step process.

Some under-the-hood changes to improve efficiency and speed. Some changes will also make it easier to incorporate into a GUI (foreshadowing!). You should also see improved error messages and debug logging.

First public release! I'm calling this my 0.9 beta. It's feature-complete with everything I want for v1.0. Now I just need people to help test it and report any bugs.

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