New Features
- Use `pyflwdir <https://github.com/Deltares/pyflwdir>`__ package for
depression filling operation instead of ``richdem`` since it appears
to be unmaintained. Note that ``pyflwdir`` is an optional dependency.
Also, ``pyflwdir`` depends on ``numba`` which is not available for
Python 3.11 yet. You can follow the progress of ``numba``'s support
for Python 3.11 `here <https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/8304>`__.
- Add a new function called ``get_dem`` for obtaining DEM that is a wrapper of
``static_3dep_dem`` and ``get_map`` functions. Since ``static_3dep_dem``
is faster, if the requested resolution is 10 m, 30 m, or 60 m,
``static_3dep_dem`` will be used. Otherwise, ``get_map`` will be used.
Internal Changes
- Significantly improve the performance of ``elevation_bycoords`` when
``tep`` is used as the source by using the static DEM data instead of
the dynamic DEM.
- Fully migrate ``setup.cfg`` and ``setup.py`` to ``pyproject.toml``.
- Convert relative imports to absolute with ``absolufy-imports``.
- Sync all patch versions of HyRiver packages to x.x.12.