- Fixes issue 3 - --ack-timeout and --conn-timeout actually work now.
- Fixes issue 1 - implements block number roll over so files over 65535 blocks can be uploaded or downloaded. - Version bump to 1.0.0a due to fouled up pypi upload.
- Removes type hints. - Restructures project into more layers (ie. special packet objects, pulls out file IO from protocols), big API changes. - Adds a suite of unit tests. - Adds Travis-CI configuration files.
- Fixes off by one server response to RRQs that are the multiple of the file's size. - Adds type hints. - Makes 'long description' rst. - Adds test.sh to make running tests easier.
- Adds CHANGELOG.md - Fixes blksize errors. - Adds tests for blksize and timeout options. - Improves tftp option handling.