* SevenZipFile.needs_password() method.(208, 235)
* CLI: Support append mode command line.(228)
* Support "APPEND" mode. User can open SevenZipFile() class with mode='a' (227)
* read(), extract(): improve performance when specifying parts of archived file,
by skipping rest of arcvhive when target file has extracted.(239,242)
* read(), extract(): improve performance when specifying parts of archived file,
by not running threads for unused compression blocks(folders).(239,242)
* docs: improve API documentation.(244)
* setup: set minimum required python version as >=3.5
* Compression will be happened when call write() not close() (222, 226)
* Handle file read/write in SevenZipCompressor/Decompressor class (213)
* Raise PasswordRequired when encrypted header without passing password (234, 237)
* CLI: don't raise exception when password is wrong or not given.(229)
* Fix specification typo.
* Catch exception in threading extraction(218,219)