* Allow to optionally disable multisampling to correct erros on some systems not able to use multisampling. * New features added to the grid world.
* Fix the placement of influences at the edges of the map. * New Sprite class to allow the use of images as the visual representation of objects. * New world class (World2dGrid). A grid environment, closed, or optionally toroidal. * New example on the usage of the grid world.
* The simulator can now be paused (P key). * Add a draw method to InfluenceMapDisplay. * The light diffuse function in CircularInfluence now has a minimum value.
* The influence diffuse function can now be changed on a per instance basis. * The window size will now follow the settings for the world size.
* Package can now be installed using distutils setup.py. * New core sub-module created. Core classes moved there. * New diffuse functions available in Influence Map. * Object angle is now normalized to 0-360 degrees.
* [basic_example] change color of one object. * pyafai is now compatible with Python 2. Tested only on Python 2.7. * Make the World2D be closed (agents are confined to the world size). * Enable OpenGL multisampling when available in the hardware. * Add methods to Display class to catch keyboard and mouse events. * Circle shape can now be created with a specified center.