
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 685670 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Python 3.5 `async` support:

- New scan commands API (`iscan`, `izscan`, `ihscan`)
- Pool made awaitable (allowing `with await pool: ...` and `async
with pool.get() as conn:` constructs)
- Fixed dropping closed connections from free pool
(see 83)
- Docs updated


- Redis cluster support work in progress
- Fixed pool issue causing pool growth over max size & `acquire` call hangs
(see 71)
- `info` server command result parsing implemented
- Fixed behavior of util functions
(see 70)
- `hstrlen` command added
- Few fixes in examples
- Few fixes in documentation


- Decoding data with `encoding` parameter now takes into account
list (array) replies
(see 68)
- `encoding` parameter added to following commands:

- generic commands: keys, randomkey
- hash commands: hgetall, hkeys, hmget, hvals
- list commands: blpop, brpop, brpoplpush, lindex, lpop, lrange, rpop, rpoplpush
- set commands: smembers, spop, srandmember
- string commands: getrange, getset, mget
- Backward incompatibility:

`ltrim` command now returns bool value instead of 'OK'
- Tests updated


- Logging added (aioredis.log module)
- Fixed issue with `wait_message` in pub/sub
(see 66)


- Pub/Sub support added
- Fix in `zrevrangebyscore` command
(see 62)
- Fixes/tests/docs


- AutoConnector added
- wait_closed method added for clean connections shutdown
- `zscore` command fixed
- Test fixes

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