- fixed several memory leaks (patch 3372909), contributed by Erik Kulyk)
- mostly reverted patch 2594366: alsapcm_setup did not do complete error checking for good reasons; some ALSA functions in alsapcm_setup may fail without rendering the device unusable
- applied patch 2777035: Fixed setrec method in alsaaudio.c This included a mixertest with more features - fixed/applied patch 2594366: alsapcm_setup does not do any error checking
- API changes: mixers() and Mixer() now take a card index instead of a card name as optional parameter. - Support for Python 3.0 - Documentation converted to reStructuredText; use Sphinx instead of LaTeX. - added `cards()` - added `PCM.close()` - added `Mixer.close()` - added `mixer.getenum()`
- wrapped blocking calls with `Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS`/`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` - added pause
- Many bugfixes related to playback in particular - Module documentation in the doc subdirectory