This release marks the first 'fully working' version of PyamilySeq. There are likely still many bugs and missing features but the core is now stable.
The main change is the UI itself - PyamilySeq has been separated into two run modes - Either 'Full' or 'Partial'.
` -run_mode {Full,Partial}
Run Mode: Should PyamilySeq be run in "Full" or
"Partial" mode?`
This release also features 'Seq-Combiner' that can be used to extract and combine the CDS sequences from multiple GFF files ready for a user to perform external clustering (PyamilySeq can do the entire process itself by calling cd-hit if you user wants).
Seq-Combiner: `Seq-Combiner -input_dir .../test_data/genomes -name_split _combined.gff3 -output_dir.../test_data -output_name combine_fasta_seqs.fa -input_type combined`