- `pyani` now requires `rpy2` v2.8.0 in order to satisfy running under Anaconda (see issue 26)
- `pyani` now checks for presence of `rpy2` and - when run from source - if `rpy2` is not available, `pyani` doesn't throw an error until R graphical output is requested. If installed -via- `pip`, then `pyani` still raises `pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound` if `rpy2` is missing.
- Updated `genbank_get_genomes_by_taxon.py` script to use the new FTP locations at NCBI for each assembly.
- Fixed bug where `ANIb` would not go to completion if empty BLASTN files were generated (see issue 27)
- Fixed bug where `ANIm` would not finish under `multiprocessing` if input sequences were highly divergent.
- Added Hadamard product of percentage identity and alignment coverage as output.
- Fixed bug where label/classes are out of sync with new NCBI downloaded filenames
- Added --rerender option to draw (new) graphics from old output, without recalculation
- Corrected matplotlib row dendrogram orientation
- Seaborn output no longer dumps core on large (ca. 500 genome) datasets
- `genbank_get_genomes_by_taxon.py` attempts to identify cause for failed downloads and correct, where nomenclature/versions are at fault
- graceful replacement of classes that are not present in `classes.txt`
- add `pyani` version to log file