What's Changed
* fix(client)!: Enable timeout for the Graphql calls over HTTPX by samiralavi in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/4
* fix(dependencies): loosen constraints for dependencies (6) by str-anger in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/7
* feat(client): Add API token to the authorization header if available in the environment by samiralavi in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/5
* fix(improved-docstrings): Improved docstring in client library's methods by jatinriverlane in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/14
* fix(refactor): Make `AqueductClient` a private member of the `API` and `Experiment` classes. by samiralavi in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/15
* fix(pydantic): bringing the version of pydantic to 2+ by str-anger in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/17
* feat(experiment): API improvements to enable query experiments but search string, tags, start datetime, and end datetime. by samiralavi in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/18
* feat(experiment): Enable deleting experiments by their alias by samiralavi in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/20
New Contributors
* str-anger made their first contribution in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/7
* jatinriverlane made their first contribution in https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/pull/14
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/AqueductHub/pyaqueduct/compare/0.0.5...0.0.8