- Integer BER codec reworked fixing negative values encoding bug.
- clone() and subtype() methods of Constructed ASN.1 classes now
accept optional cloneValueFlag flag which controls original value
inheritance. The default is *not* to inherit original value for
performance reasons (this may affect backward compatibility).
Performance penalty may be huge on deeply nested Constructed objects
- Base ASN.1 types (pyasn1.type.univ.*) do not have default values
anymore. They remain uninitialized acting as ASN.1 types. In
this model, initialized ASN.1 types represent either types with
default value installed or a type instance.
- Decoders' prototypes are now class instances rather than classes.
This is to simplify initial value installation to decoder's
prototype value.
- Bugfix to BitString BER decoder (trailing bits not regarded).
- Bugfix to Constraints use as mapping keys.
- Bugfix to Integer & BitString clone() methods
- Bugix to the way to distinguish Set from SetOf at CER/DER SetOfEncoder
- Adjustments to make it running on Python 1.5.
- In tests, substrate constants converted from hex escaped literals into
octals to overcome indefinite hex width issue occuring in young Python.
- Minor performance optimization of TagSet.isSuperTagSetOf() method
- examples/sshkey.py added