96f3b81 Update dmap implementation f81aeab Update __init__.py f133fb8 Implement asyncio.sleep 9e9dfdc Add MRP functionality 4765565 Make corrections to MRP flow 2906e34 Return MRP credentials as string after pairing 88bf241 Specify device with -n in atvremote
cfa0514 Fix push updater in MRP 945a2d6 Add set_credentials to conf.AppleTV 0373c5d Add "back off" exception to MRP 32d4e58 Add service property to PairingHandler 81d74cd fixed credentials reference to .service.credentials 1c2029c Use pyatv as title on main page in documentation
Same as a2 (I never learn...).
Third pre-release. Most stuff is in place now except for tests and documentation.
Second pre-release which is basically the same as first, but I messed up and missed a few commits...