- re-defined the API Classes as children of a base class (aussiebb.baseclass.BaseClass). - added significantly better typing to inputs/responses. - removed all the usage of `inspect`. - moved from setup.py to [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org) for build/packaging. - removed loguru dependency, class init now takes a logger as an option or uses python default logging if not. Also removed _debug_print from async version. - added NBN_TYPES and PHONE_TYPES to aussiebb.const, to allow one to check if the service matches a known identifier for "phone" (mobile/VOIP) or "NBN" (internet) types - this matters when parsing the resulting service info. - added test and fixed result of the asyncio get_service_tests function
- renamed serviceid to service_id to match the api - added request_get_json to the sync class - added telephony_usage - added get_appointment which gets service appointments - updated get_usage so it checks the service list and will return telephony data if it's a PhoneMobile service - abstracted how URLS are generated so I don't have to keep adding them twice - added a filter on get_services which allows you to filter by type
- Added the following new functions: `account_transactions`, `billing_invoice`, `service_outages`, `service_boltons`, `service_datablocks`, `support_tickets`, `account contacts`. Renamed `get_service_plans` to `service_plans`