1. Use compiled `decimal` module when possible. 2. Add syntax "< ... key:value ... >" to AXON in order to load/dump ordered dicts. 3. Add cython implementation of ordered dict `axon.odict`. (API compatible with `collections.OrderedDict`). 4. Fix bug with number-like string keys in dicts.
1. Add ability to dump custom class objects as dict, list or tuple. 2. Add support (`axon.convert`) to convertion of safely loaded objects to given type. 3. Fix several bugs.
Special credit to `sbant <https://bitbucket.org/sbant1983>`_.
1. Make error messages in loader more useful. 2. Refactoring of comment handling with addition of some tests. 3. Fix crossreference issue with unsafe mode of loading/dumping. 4. Add windows installers.
1. Some errors with processing of comment lines are fixed. 2. It's possible now to use "d"/"D" suffix instead of "$" to indicate decimal values. 3. Fix problem with mixing of tabs ('\t') with other spacing characters. 4. Fix example of AXON in index.rst to use "d/D" suffix for decimal values.
1. Fix 2.7/3.3 compatibility error with reading from files. 2. Pretty dumping now is more compact in simple cases. 3. Now default pretty dumping mode (``pretty=1``) is indented without braces (like YAML); new parameter ``braces=1`` with ``pretty=1`` specifies formatted mode with braces (like JSON).
1. Refine indentation control when loading complex objects in indented form. 2. Restore support of names as quoted strings a.k.a. ``'the name'``. 3. Make ``date/time/datetime`` creation code compatible with pure python mode. 4. Add ``hsize`` parameter in pretty dumping mode. It specifies maximum number of simple data items in the line. 5. Add more tests by examples.