Changed - `position_mode_switch()` to support USDT perp: `/private/linear/position/switch-mode`
Added - `endpoint` arg to `get_active_order()`
Fixed - A WebSocket test case, by raising an exception instead of logging
- Improve `get_risk_limit()` - Fixed: call this endpoint without authentication - Supported `endpoint` argument for `my_position()`, allowing the user to call this method without supplying a symbol - `symbol` is not a required parameter for these endpoints, but pybit typically relies on it for deciding which endpoint to call
- Enabled WebSocket `fetch()` to handle multiple position sides from linear perp symbols - Fixed `fetch()` for private spot WebSocket - Supported `endpoint` argument for `my_position()`, allowing the user to call this method without supplying a symbol - `symbol` is not a required parameter for these endpoints, but pybit typically relies on it for deciding which endpoint to call - See below release candidates for details.
Modified - Alter the spot endpoint paths used for `get_active_order()` and `query_active_order()`