* Introduce new exception: Scopus414Error. * In `AuthorRetrieval()`, add new property `.alias`. * In `AbstractRetrieval()`, add new properties `.subtype` and `.subtypedescription`. * Fix bug with kwds in all search classes accidentally not passed on requests.
* In `AbstractRetrieval()`, add new properties `.openaccess` and `.openaccessFlag`. * In `AuthorSearch().__str__`, fix bug with missing names. * In `AuthorRetrieval().__str__`, fix bug with already removed property `.journal-history`. * For all search classes, do not create an empty file when `download=False`.
* In `AuthorRetrieval()`, remove property `.journal-history` as it was removed from the API. * Fix bug with duplicate entries in multi-page search results with cursors.
* Show date of retrieval when printing any class object. * Refactor some of the information when printing class objects. * Fix bug related to missing requests header with empty results. * Fix bug with missing source history when printing an `AuthorRetrieval()` object.
* Add support for multiple keys in the configuration file, and replace depleted keys automatically. * In all classes, add methods `.get_key_remaining_quota()` and `.get_key_reset_time()` to get the remaining calls of the current key and the time when the current key will be reset, relative to the last actual request. * Provide link examples in reference of each class. * In `ScopusSearch().results`, use empty strings for missing affiliations (e.g. non-org profile affiliations) when information is concatenated. * Fix bug in `ScopusSearch().results` when affiliation information has the wrong type (e.g. boolean).
* New class `SerialSearch()` to search via the Serial Title API. * Add new exception Scopus403Error for forbidden access. * Fix bug with `AuthorRetrieval().get_coauthors()` only returning the first 25 results. * Fix bug with progress bar in search classes not showing.