Added Pyblish Tray, a standalone management application for Pyblish to gain an overview of it's state and current output. It sits quietly in the system tray of the given operating system, collecting output and providing options for debugging and manipulating the currently active instance of the Pyblish front-end, QML.

Tray is designed to run during startup of your OS.
Once started, it will sit quietly in the background and listen for interested hosts looking to publish and provide them with a handle to the Pyblish QML front-end.
On Windows, once Pyblish has been installed you can look for the corresponding start menu item called simply "Pyblish". Clicking on it will launch Pyblish Tray.
You can also launch Tray via the command-line, by running the associated launcher, given you have the required [dependencies](
$ pythonw -m pyblish_tray