* Bugfix: Fix output of Plotly blocks no longer showing in newer versions of Jupyter * Bugfix: Add static output to Bokeh and Plotly to enable sending within email body
* Feature: Add CommonTableFormatter builder to configuring table formatting * Bugfix: Fix striped background for table formatting * Deprecate Python 2.7, make Python 3.6 minimum required version
* Bugfix: Stop MultiIndex flattening columns from being rendered
* Bugfix: Pass only single row name into formatter from jinja table template
* Bugfix: Fix header positions when index is a MultiIndex * Bugfix: Fix MultiIndex styling * Feature: Add formatter for vertical-align
* Bugfix: Use colgroup tag for FmtHeader width specification * Bugfix: Do not merge MultiIndex cells if parent cells not merged * Bugfix: Pass actual header cell contents to formatter methods * Feature: Add ability to vertically merge MultiIndex labels