Improvements - Change: Mnemonic Unicode data normalizer from `NFKC` to `NFKD` type.
Bug Fixes - Fix Transaction `spend_utxo` action key error, changed from `output` to `output_id` key.
New - Now, You can get Vapor UTXO's and list all addresses of a GUID on this version. - Add Transaction fee estimator `pybytom.rpc.estimate_transaction_fee` function.
New - Add More Bytom `BTM`, `BTC`, `DAI`, `ETH`, `LTC`, `SUP`, `USDC`, and `USDT` assets. - Add Default path and indexes.
Improvements - Change Bytom sidechain (Vapor protocol) address into param on mainchain addresses functions.
New - Now, The Bytom sidechain (Vapor protocol) is available on this version. - Add UTXO's finder `pybytom.rpc.get_utxos` for Bytom program. - Add fixed Bytom `BTM`, `BTC`, `ETH` & `USDT` asset ids.
Bug Fixes - Fix Bytom wallet language unicode type.
Dependencies - Add Vapor Blockcenter API v3 - Requests package from v2.24.0 to v2.25.0 - Bump PyTest from v6.0.1 to v6.1.2
New * Now, You can initialize Bytom wallet `from_private_key`. * Add Bytom amount converter for `BTM`, `mBTM`, `NEU` symbols. * Add network checker `is_network` function.
Improvements * Change GUID by address when building transactions.
Dependencies * Bump Blockcenter API from v2 to v3. * Bump PyTest from v5 to v6