General changes:
Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 1.0.0.
New cairo functions supported:
| cairo.cairo_version()
| cairo.cairo_version_string()
| PSSurface.set_dpi()
Patterns are now implemented in a class hierarchy, the new constructors are:
| cairo.SolidPattern (r, g, b, a=1.0)
| cairo.SurfacePattern (surface)
| cairo.LinearGradient (x0, y0, x1, y1)
| cairo.RadialGradient (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1)
Updated functions:
Surface.write_to_png() now accepts a file object as well as a filename
Updated examples:
The gtk examples now work with pygtk >= 2.7.0 without requiring the
cairo.gtk module
Bug Fixes:
fix "initializer element is not constant" compiler warnings