`v0.6.0` is update for Vasil hard fork.
- Support for reference inputs ([CIP31](https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/tree/master/CIP-0031)).
- Support for inline datum ([CIP32](https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/tree/master/CIP-0032)).
- Support for reference scripts ([CIP33](https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/tree/master/CIP-0033)).
- Vasil changes for Ogmios.
- Vasil changes for blockforst.
- Add type "RawPlutusData", which is used as the default type for datum deserialized from cbor.
- `TransactionOutput` now has two new fields, `datum` and `script`, which could be added to the transaction output.
- Blockfrost chain context now supports custom API url.
- Improved the format of transaction representation.
- Method `add_script_input` in `TransactionBuilder` no longer requires `script` field to be set.
If absent, the transaction builder will try to find it from chain context.
- Similarly, method `add_minting_script` in `TransactionBuilder` no longer requires `script` field to be set.
If absent, the transaction builder will try to find it from chain context.