- 1309 : Support for `np.sum` in C code.
- Improved [developer docs](./developer_docs) (ordering, syntactic stage, semantic stage).
- Added [community guidelines](./github/
- 1184 : Bug preventing compilation on systems where there is no static library available for Python.
- 1281 : Bug causing assignment to pointer instead of incrementation.
- 1282 : Imported constants cannot be returned from functions.
- \[INTERNALS\] Bug in CI coverage for forks.
- 1315 : Installation process modified to make test requirements a pip optional dependency.
- 1245 : Reduce false negative test results by using a tolerance to compare floats.
- 1272 : Remove use of deprecated NumPy syntax in tests.
- 1253 : Provide minimum requirements.
- \[INTERNALS\] 1385 : Remove unused settings keyword arguments from `_visit` function.