
Latest version: v1.1.15

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* Starproperties - use Logg if Logg_gaia missing from SWEETCat
* Added Dataset.list_apertures()
* Updated Dataset to allow for new DRP14 aperture names


* Added Power2 class for improved handling of power-2 limb darkening
* Bug fix for missing argument "q" in funcs.RVCompanion
* Update reference to Maxted et al. in README.rst
* Added PLATO passband to
* Use Logg_gaia from SWEET-Cat instead of Logg (276)
* In utils.pprint fix short format error where sf=1 appears as '(10)'
* Removed redundant _make_models function from multivisit
* Added "scale" option to dataset and multivisit fitting routines.


* Fix bug os.mkdirs() -> os.makedirs() in


* Added show_gp option to multivisit.plot_fit() for eclipse and transit fits
* Removed spurious line lc_fits.append(mod) at line 1029 of the
file. (271).


* Changing the input file formats so that it can accepts files from other
sources (PR 250, issue 249)
* Updated make_xml_files example files
* Added show_gp option to multivisit.plot_fit() for results of eblm_fit()
* In core, use os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) to avoid FileNotFoundError
when creating cache directory requiring subdirectories.


* Update planetproperties to use new header format for TEPCat
* Fixed typos in output of dataset.get_lightcurve (256)
* Added teff attribute to Dataset, if T_EFF present in header (266)
* Fixed problem using backends to restart MultiVisit (263)
* Catch cases where "c" is not a free parameter for datasets when plotting in
MultiVisit (251)

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