What's Changed
* fixup! Remove the filters feature from get_chromecasts (141) (270) tompreston
* Do not automatically start worker thread and connect in Chromecast constructor (271) emontnemery
This is a breaking change. The method to call now depends on if you're running in blocking (the default) or non-blocking mode. Use one of the methods to start, appropriate for the mode you run in:
- **Blocking mode:** `cast.start()`: Start the worker thread and connect to the chromecast device. Connection status will be reported through the listener registered in `cast.register_connection_listener`.
- **Blocking mode:** `cast.wait()`: Wait for connection, this will also start the worker thread if it has not been started.
- **Non-blocking mode:** `cast.connect()`: Connect to the chromecast. This must only be called if the worker thread has not been started. Connection status will be reported through the listener registered in `cast.register_connection_listener`.
The automatic connect in the constructor meant that the constructor would hang forever if the number of retries was unlimited and the chromecast could not be found. It was also unnatural to start the worker thread in the constructor.