***New features***
* Added bicarbonate ion (type `7`) and aqueous CO<sub>2</sub> (type `8`) as options for known input marine carbonate system variables.
* Added module `test` with functions to perform internal consistency checks on `PyCO2SYS.CO2SYS` calculations and compare results with those from other sources.
* Added module `api` with a wrapper for `PyCO2SYS.CO2SYS` to allow inputs as Pandas Series and/or Xarray DataArrays.
***Improved calculations***
* The Revelle factor and all other buffer factors added in v1.2 are now evaluated using automatic differentiation, which means that the effects of all equilibrating species are taken into account.
* The original, non-automatic functions that do not account for nutrient effects are still available in `buffers.explicit`.
* Can switch between calculation methods using new optional input `buffers_mode`.
* Corrected Revelle factor calculations:
* Added missing "Peng correction" to Revelle factor calculation at output conditions. *Note that this correction is currently also missing from CO2SYS for MATLAB!*
* Decreased DIC perturbation size for more accurate finite-difference "explicit" evaluation.
* Finite-difference calculation now references the correct DIC value.
* Implemented better initial guesses for pH in all iterative solvers in `solve.get` following [M13](https://pyco2sys.readthedocs.io/en/latest/refs/#m) and [OE15](https://pyco2sys.readthedocs.io/en/latest/refs/#o).
* Switched to using exact slopes in iterative solvers in `solve.get`, evaluated using Autograd in new submodule `solve.delta`.
* Updated entire package to be [Autograd](https://github.com/HIPS/autograd)-able.
* Return NaN instead of negative DIC if an impossible pH-alkalinity combination is given as input (i.e. pH is too high).
* Return NaN where DIC and one of its components is given if the component is impossibly large.
***Internal reorganisation***
* Major internal reorganisation that is probably not fully captured in these notes.
* Renamed modules:
* `assemble` is now `engine`.
* `concentrations` is now `salts`.
* `extra` is now `buffers.explicit`.
* Module `equilibria` now contains sub-modules:
* `p1atm` for calculating constants at atmospheric pressure.
* `pcx` for determining pressure correction factors.
* `pressured` for calculating constants at given pressure.
* Module `solve` now contains sub-modules:
* `initialise` to generate first-guess estimates of pH for the TA-pH solvers.
* `get` to calculate a new system variable from various input pairs.
* Added module `solubility` for mineral solubility calculations.
* Relocated `_CaSolubility` function from root to `solubility.CaCO3`.
* Separated out its internal calculations into a set of subfunctions also in the `solubility` module.
* Added calcium molinity `TCa` as an input, instead of being evaluated internally.
* Added calcium molininty `TCa` (estimated from salinity) into the main `CO2dict` output from `PyCO2SYS.CO2SYS`.
* Relocated `_RevelleFactor` function from root to `buffers.RevelleFactor`.
* Relocated `_FindpHOnAllScales` function from root to `convert.pH2allscales`.
* Added module `constants` for storing values of universal physical constants.
* Lists of equilibrium constants and total concentrations now passed around internally as dicts, for safety.
* Total sulfate and bisulfate dissociation constant renamed from `TS` and `KS` to `TSO4` and `KSO4` internally to avoid confusion with sulfide species.
* The as-close-as-possible MATLAB clone in `PyCO2SYS.original` no longer produces a dict but just the original `DATA`, `HEADERS` and `NICEHEADERS` outputs.
* Documentation substantially expanded and switched to using [Material for MkDocs](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/).
* Validation section added with internal consistency checks and an external comparison of PyCO2SYS calculations with CO2SYS for MATLAB.
* All code now formatted with [Black](https://github.com/psf/black) (except for module `original`).
* Version number now reported with `PyCO2SYS.say_hello()` in homage to the original MS-DOS program.