- Updated homepage of the documentation - Added versioning to RTD. (NOT FINAL. CHECKS VERSIONS FROM GIT WHICH…) - Added blank tutorial pages - Updated sidebar toc tree structure - Added doctests to quick tutorial - dded sphinx.ext.doctest - Updated create_docs to include new `_autosummary` directory and create doctest
- Fix styling and refactor in order to pass flake8 checks
- Add backquotes in changelog - Group changelog entries - Changelog ordered from the latest version to first - Add script to deploy the docs - Add `quick_tutorial.rst` file - Update index.rst to include links to general sections - Add myst-parser to docs `requirements.txt` - Change Markdown parser to myst-parser - Add `quickstart.rst` - Add reading `.md` files for changelog - Separate `installation.rst`
- Configure sphinx for generating proper API reference - Create general docs outline, add generated `autosummary` rst files in ignore files