Fixed - Branding information typo within - Spurious command in Makefile recipe
Added - Added `python_requires` clause to to prevent installation on unsupported platforms - Include information in README about `setuptools` version needed to properly package within `python_requires` information - Conda packaging support along with information in README about new installation method
Changed - `pyconll` version is now housed in .version file so that this version only needs to be changed in one place before release.
Changed - Use slots on Token and Sentence class for more efficient memory usage with large amounts of objects - Remove source fields on Token and Sentence. These were not an explicit part of the public API so this is not considered a breaking change.
Fixed - Solved ``math.inf`` issue with python 3.4 where it does not exist
Fixed - The example ``reannotate\`` was out of sync with the function return type
Added - `find_nonprojective_deps`` was added to look for non-projective dependencies within a sentence
Fixed - ``find_ngrams`` in the ``util`` module did not properly match case insensitivity. - ``conllable`` is now properly included in wildcard imports from ``pyconll``. - Issue when loading a CoNLL file over a network if the file contained UTF-8 characters. requests default assumes ASCII enconding on HTTP responses. - The Token columns deps and feats were not properly sorted by attribute (either numeric index or case invariant lexicographic sort) on serialization
Changed - Clearer and more consise documentation - ``find_ngrams`` now returns the matched tokens as the last element of the yielded tuple.
Removed - Document and paragraph ids on Sentences - Line numbers on Tokens and Sentences - Equality comparison on Tokens and Sentences. These types are mutable and implementing equality (with no hash overriding) causes issues for API clients. - ``SentenceTree`` module. This functionaliy was moved to the Sentence class method ``to_tree``.
Added - ``to_tree`` method on ``Sentence`` that returns the Tree representing the Sentence dependency structure
Security - Updates to ``requirements.txt`` to patch Jinja2 and requests
Fixed - Parsing of underscore's for the form and lemma field, would automatically default to None, rather than the intended behavior.