
Latest version: v1.1.7

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- Tool 'Overlay curves': improve UI (117)
- Tool 'Statistics view': improve UI (113)
- Tool 'Trace view': display countrate (121)
- Bugfixes:
- Unicode errors in statistics tool (131)
- Load session errors with empty pages


- Improve parameter display (52, 114)
- Display Chi2 on each page (115)
- The displayed Chi2-value for non-weighted fits is now
normalized to the expected values of the fit. The
documentation has been updated accordingly.
- Add "All files" option in save dialogs (97)
- Improved plot export dialog (99)


- Improved support for "ALV-7004" files (104)
- Increase resolution for image export
- Load weights from PyCorrFit csv files
- Tool 'Overlay Curves': show cropped correlation curves
- Tool 'Trace view': increase size of window (93)
- Tool 'Global fitting': remove forced, joint weights
- Session comment dialog: more intuitive behavior (116)
- Improve plot export (95)
- Bugfixes:
- Weighted fits at borders of fit interval were
computed incorrectly due to integer division
- Fitting algorithms did not work (94)
- Creating averages did not work (123)
- ASCII errors in statistics tool (112)
- Under the hood:
- Introduce new classes: Correlation, Fit, Trace
- Code cleanup and rewrite to support planned features
- In some cases support older versions of NumPy


- Improved support for "ALV-7004" files
- If you install the GUI with pip, you now need to include
the 'GUI' requirement: 'pip install pycorrfit[GUI]'.
The GUI depends on matplotlib and wxPython which is not
required for scripting with the pycorrfit module.
- Bugfix: missing version string on SuSe linux (101)
- Under the hood:
- Python entry point script replaces "bin/" script
- Windows build system hosted by
- MacOS X build system hosted by
- New builds use wxPython3 (85)
- Unicode support without 'reload(sys)'
- Error messages are more verbose


- Removed unused fitting parameter d_eva from model 6022 and
secured backwards compatibility.
- Improved support for ALV700X (92)
- Bugfix: Corrected false display of Unicode characters on Windows
- Under the hood:
- Code cleanup with pyflakes
- Repo cleanup (98)


- Bugfix: Opening .fcs files with only one AC curve works now
- Zip files with measurements may now contain subfolders
- Improved pt3-file support from (89)

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