
Latest version: v2.1.4

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* Fix incorrect first_date_col for DB1 reports. [James Fournie]

The first date column in a DB1 report should actually have index 5 (6th column). See:


* Add failing test for PR 60. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Add test for gaps in stats being output correctly. [Geoffrey Spear]

Code quality/CI

* Create config file. [pyup-bot]

* Flake8: Fix whitespace after comma. [James Fournie]

* Run 2.7 flake8 with 2.7; correct matrix syntax. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Do linting through tox instead of directly in .travis.yml. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Docs: pypi stuff. [Geoffrey Spear]

fix pypi link

remove some outdated advice on running install directly

link to PyPA installing packages page


* Use universal wheel. [Geoffrey Spear]


* Dropped support for python 2.6 and 3.3



* CounterBook.isbn is now a property; it will evaluate to the generic ISBN
given in a tabular report (or the constructor, manually), if any, or to an
Online_ISBN or Print_ISBN given in an XML report, if they exist, in that
order. CounterBook.online_isbn and CounterBook_print_isbn added. [Geoffrey



* Travis: 3.6 released; use it for pyflakes and remove -dev tag. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Travis: add 3.6-dev env. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Tox: test on py36 and py37. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Include a user-agent header in SUSHI requests; issue 46. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Move some fixtures to to get rid of shadowing warnings; some more unittest->pytest conversions. [Geoffrey Spear]

* (not sure this file is even useful at all... but now it's useless in pytest) [Geoffrey Spear]

* Test_helpers moved to pytest. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Remove a looped assert, and convert last use of unittest in this file. [Geoffrey Spear]

* More pytest. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Bump version for unreleased dev code. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Move some tests to pure-pytest; parameterize instead of having repeated code and multiple asserts per method... [Geoffrey Spear]

* Add dump flag to sushiclient to generate XML dumps. [Geoffrey Spear]



* New version of requests needs headers to all be strings; old version accepted int content-length. [Geoffrey Spear]

(Bump version for bugfix)

* One more try. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Pin flake8 too. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Pin flake8-import-order version to before 2.6 support was dropped. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Flake8: missing a single whitespace broke the build. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Openpyxl get_sheet_names and get_sheet_by_name were warning about deprecation; change to use new syntax to access this information. [Geoffrey Spear]

.gitignore some junk that pycharm creates

* Openpyxl get_sheet_names and get_sheet_by_name were warning about deprecation; change to use new syntax to access this information. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Merge pull request 44 from pitthsls/issue22. [Geoffrey Spear]


* Install coverage in test env (travis was warning about it not being there) [Geoffrey Spear]

* Add a pip cache on Travis. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Make tox use pytest; have travis use tox-travis. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Stop calling this an alpha since it's working well... [Geoffrey Spear]

* Style: format docstrings according to PEP 257 (verify with pydocstyle) [Geoffrey Spear]

* Some style corrections per pylint; a bit of test DRYing. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Document UnicodeReader, UnicodeWriter. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Bump version for dev; enable branch coverage measurement, switch to pytest as test runner on travis. [Geoffrey Spear]

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