Added option to customize watch root folder (when run in monorepo); This will watch dependencies and rerun tests if files changed outside of current scope
Useful if you work in monorepo with multiple python projects (Default - `.`)
change-detection-root: ../..
Exception markers as red `X`:

Exception stack trace for `X` markers

Local variables recorder together with exception

Added feature to see exception preview;
Alongside with exception preview popup there will be `Local Variables`, so you don't need to run debugger for simple cases;
Added separate gutter icon (red cross) for the lines where exception has occured.;
Added ability to navigate directly to exception from the test list.
Added different colors for markers in indeterminate state (they will no longer be green).
Fixed various issues where opening/closing project may use already disposed message bus;
UI small gliches fixes when using 2023.1 Pycharm;