New features
* Added ``Crypto.PublicKey.ECC`` module (NIST P-256 curve only), including export/import of ECC keys.
* Added support for ECDSA (FIPS 186-3 and RFC6979).
* For CBC/CFB/OFB/CTR cipher objects, ``encrypt()`` and ``decrypt()`` cannot be intermixed.
* CBC/CFB/OFB, the cipher objects have both ``IV`` and ``iv`` attributes.
``new()`` accepts ``IV`` as well as ``iv`` as parameter.
* For CFB/OPENPGP cipher object, ``encrypt()`` and ``decrypt()`` do not require the plaintext
or ciphertext pieces to have length multiple of the CFB segment size.
* Added dedicated tests for all cipher modes, including NIST test vectors
* CTR/CCM/EAX/GCM/SIV/Salsa20/ChaCha20 objects expose the ``nonce`` attribute.
* For performance reasons, CCM cipher optionally accepted a pre-declaration of
the length of the associated data, but never checked if the actual data passed
to the cipher really matched that length. Such check is now enforced.
* CTR cipher objects accept parameter ``nonce`` and possibly ``initial_value`` in
alternative to ``counter`` (which is deprecated).
* All ``iv``/``IV`` and ``nonce`` parameters are optional. If not provided,
they will be randomly generated (exception: ``nonce`` for CTR mode in case
of block sizes smaller than 16 bytes).
* Refactored ARC2 cipher.
* Added ``Crypto.Cipher.DES3.adjust_key_parity()`` function.
* Added ``RSA.import_key`` as an alias to the deprecated ``RSA.importKey``
(same for the ``DSA`` module).
* Added ``size_in_bits()`` and ``size_in_bytes()`` methods to ``RsaKey``.
Resolved issues
* RSA key size is now returned correctly in ``RsaKey.__repr__()`` method (kudos to *hannesv*).
* CTR mode does not modify anymore ``counter`` parameter passed to ``new()`` method.
* CTR raises ``OverflowError`` instead of ``ValueError`` when the counter wraps around.
* PEM files with Windows newlines could not be imported.
* ``Crypto.IO.PEM`` and ``Crypto.IO.PKCS8`` used to accept empty passphrases.
* GH6: NotImplementedError now raised for unsupported methods ``sign``, ``verify``,
``encrypt``, ``decrypt``, ``blind``, ``unblind`` and ``size`` in objects ``RsaKey``, ``DsaKey``,
Breaks in compatibility
* Parameter ``segment_size`` cannot be 0 for the CFB mode.
* For OCB ciphers, a final call without parameters to ``encrypt`` must end a sequence
of calls to ``encrypt`` with data (similarly for ``decrypt``).
* Key size for ``ARC2``, ``ARC4`` and ``Blowfish`` must be at least 40 bits long (still very weak).
* DES3 (Triple DES module) does not allow keys that degenerate to Single DES.
* Removed method ``getRandomNumber`` in ``Crypto.Util.number``.
* Removed module ``Crypto.pct_warnings``.
* Removed attribute ``Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.algorithmIdentifier``.