[Detailed release notes](https://github.com/cytomining/pycytominer/releases/tag/v1.2.0)
- **dev**: add improved makefile with additional helper commands (391)
- **pandas**: add condition for pandas config (415)
- **poetry**: add tool.setuptools_scm section (402)
- **ci**: docker image push readme updates (398, 395)
- **ci**: fix errors with automated coverage (432)
- **ci**: add workspaceDir to git safe directories for devcontainers (379)
- **SQLite**: joins should be on ImageNumber, TableNumber, and not ImageNumber (378)
- **compartments**: avoid lowercase compartment strings (421)
- **pd**: avoid dataframe fragmentation in agg (407)
- **pandas**: enable copy_on_write for pandas (401)
- **bandit**: apply bandit checks (387)
- **isort**: apply isort linting checks (389)
- **ruff**: update ruff to 0.3.4 (386)
- **dev**: add docker-in-docker feature to devcontainer (381)
- **docker**: add Dockerfile and container image build tests (362)
- **docker**: add docker hub push capabilities (377)
- **deps**: various dependency updates automated by dependabot
- **docker**: add docker installation instructions (409)
- **docs**: improve documentation for non-CellProfiler datasets in Pycytominer (430)
- **docs**: update error message and docs for features argument to clarify CellProfiler default expectations (448)
- **ci**: update macOS version for Python (408)
- **ci**: specify GitHub Actions Ubuntu runner image (411)
- **ci**: enable GitHub Actions updates (438)
- **ci**: add mypy check and adjust code for types (439)