.. note:
Breaking change: ``ConnectivityEnum.READY`` added. See Commit
``b53a8eb`` Previous code that assumed that ``.CONNECTED`` was the
terminal state should be modified to recognize ``.READY``.
SCAN = 'scan'
SCAN_DEVICES = 'scan/devices'
LOG = 'log/{id}'
LOGS = 'logs'
``stop_scanner_if_running()`` in favor of just calling
``ugly_bits.py`` for manual configuration now should be able to be
handled through the API. See ``examples/find_first_and_load.py``
``READ_BACK_ON_PATCH`` removed as PATCH operations now can return
results themselves.
``device_adv_is_recognized_by`` class method on DE1 and Scale replaced
by registered prefixes
Removed ``examples/test_first_find_and_load.py``, use
Known Issues
At least with BlueZ, it appears that a connection request while scanning
will be deferred.
Implicit scan-for-address in the creation of a ``BleakClient`` does not
cache or report any devices it discovers. This does not have any
negative impacts, but could be improved for the future.