- Create initial documentation for pipedag.
- Remove stage argument from [](RawSql) initializer.
- Add [](RawSql) to public API.
- Fix [](PrefectTwoEngine) failing on retrieval of results.
- Added [](Flow.get_stage()), and [](Stage.get_task()) methods.
- Added [](MaterializingTask.get_output_from_store()) method to allow retrieval of task output without running the Flow.
- Created [TableReference](ExternalTableReference) to simplify complex table loading operations.
- Allow for easy retrieval of tables generated by [](RawSql).
Passing a RawSql object into a task results in all tables that were generated by the RawSql to be dematerialized.
The tables can then be accessed using `raw_sql["table_name"]`.
Alternatively, the same syntax can also be used during flow definition to only pass in a specific table.
- Fix private method `SQLTableStore.get_stage_hash` not working for IBM DB2.