**Removed** - iMessage Workflow ELT integration as this was spun off into its own project
**Fixed** - (Minor) a few function return types - False assertion in ``pg_dump``
------------------ **Added** - A few ``Postgres`` class methods - Tests for ``Postgres`` class methods
**Changed** - Consolidated ``if_exists``, ``if_not_exists`` and ``or_replace`` Postgres class methods
------------------ **Added**
- iMessage dashboard tracking - ``pydoni opsys du-by-filetype`` now handles multiple input directories - A few keywords to instagram hashtags command
- Name of function ``delete_empty_subdirs()`` to ``remove_empty_subfolders()`` - Updated app defaults - Updated some default CLI command behavior - Renamed ``m4a_to_mp3()`` function to ``.to_mp3()`` class method - iMessage QC view logic update
- Untracked raw manual contact name table data
------------------ **Added**
- ``app_default_param_values.yaml``
- Incorrect call to ``datetime`` module
------------------ **Added**
- Support for conditional CLI imports - Releasing instructions in README.rst