* Add ``bin2oct``, ``bin2dec``, ``bin2hex``, ``oct2bin``, ``oct2dec``, ``oct2hex``, ``dec2bin``, ``dec2oct``, ``dec2hex``, ``hex2bin``, ``hex2oct``, ``hex2dec`` to ``convert``, which support many base conversions
* Add ``path.is_super_path`` which judges whether the given ``path1`` is the super path of ``path2``
* Add ``environ.environ`` which is a context manager for updating one or more environment variables
* Add ``environ.path`` which is a context manager for updating the PATH environment variable
* Add ``list.tolist`` which converts obj to list
* Add ``list.flatten`` which generates each element of the given ``seq``
* Add ``compat.strbytes_types`` which includes all types about string