Added functionality
Opening and closing states
While digging for a way to get devices to re-send their state without side effects I stumbled upon the opening and closing states for the covers which are now reflected in the UI. Note: Especially when multiple covers are triggered at once and send their state reports at the same time, sometimes the visual representation gets stuck in an``opening`` or ``closing`` state. This seems to happen when the message from the shutter isn't received - e.g. due to crosstalk between the devices. Using the ``duofern.update_device_state`` service below can help updating the state to the actual state of devices. I have a button next to my covers to update the state in case of doubt:

It runs this script:
<img src="" width="400">
Two new services
Ask all duofern devices to re-send their state in case of lost messages. Can be used in setups where RF is finnicky.
Dump the current last received state for all duofern modules as a warning level message to the log. This reflects the current state of all RF messages received from devices - What's not here wasn't received by the stick or came in garbled.