- GH action to mark issues as stale
[PR 201](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/201)
- Disabled caching of Utility values as well as repeated evaluations by default
[PR 211](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/211)
- Test and officially support Python version 3.9 and 3.10
[PR 208](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/208)
- **Breaking change:** Introduces a class ValuationResult to gather and inspect
results from all valuation algorithms
[PR 214](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/214)
- Fixes bug in Influence calculation with multidimensional input and adds new
example notebook
[PR 195](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/195)
- **Breaking change**: Passes the input to `MapReduceJob` at initialization,
removes `chunkify_inputs` argument from `MapReduceJob`, removes `n_runs`
argument from `MapReduceJob`, calls the parallel backend's `put()` method for
each generated chunk in `_chunkify()`, renames ParallelConfig's `num_workers`
attribute to `n_local_workers`, fixes a bug in `MapReduceJob`'s chunkification
when `n_runs` >= `n_jobs`, and defines a sequential parallel backend to run
all jobs in the current thread
[PR 232](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/232)
- **New method**: Implements exact and monte carlo Least Core for data valuation,
adds `from_arrays()` class method to the `Dataset` and `GroupedDataset`
classes, adds `extra_values` argument to `ValuationResult`, adds
`compute_removal_score()` and `compute_random_removal_score()` helper functions
[PR 237](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/237)
- **New method**: Group Testing Shapley for valuation, from _Jia et al. 2019_
[PR 240](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/240)
- Fixes bug in ray initialization in `RayParallelBackend` class
[PR 239](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/239)
- Implements "Egalitarian Least Core", adds [cvxpy](https://www.cvxpy.org/) as a
dependency and uses it instead of scipy as optimizer
[PR 243](https://github.com/aai-institute/pyDVL/pull/243)